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April showers bring May flowers - but those flowers and other types of foliage could be toxic to our pets. With Spring just starting up, there are a few things about this season to be aware of with our pets. After all, a safe pet is a happy pet!



It’s the perfect time of year to get out those cleaning supplies and do a deep cleanse of the house or yard. However, many of the chemicals used are just as poisonous to pets as they are humans. If you are using heavy chemicals, make sure to keep your pets away from the area afterwards or look for less harsh cleaning supplies with pet friendly natural ingredients (not all organic components are safe for animals). Check out this link for more information on household cleaners that can be harmful to pets:


This is a great time to start garden planning and picking out flowers. If your pet is going to be around your flower bed often, make sure to look up the type of plants you are going to buy beforehand. There are many types of flowers out there, like lilies, that are extremely toxic to cats and dogs. If ingested, they can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even heart or lung issues. Use this link as a reference if needed:

When preparing your soil, check your fertilizers for safety as well. Even natural ones may contain ingredients not suitable for animals. It’s always important to know your pets’ habits. Will they dig in the dirt (or even walk through) then lick their paws? Double check their feet after they’ve been outside and wash them off if needed.


With the sun starting to shine and the weather warming up, many are taking this opportunity to get outside. However, with bushes comes bugs. If you’re taking your dog on nature walks with you (or if you live in a wooded area), check for ticks often. Also keep an eye out for bees (stings) and other bugs that may bite your pet. A yearly heartworm medication and flea control is also important to keep in mind. Check in with your vet to learn more about how to protect your pet against these pesky critters.


Got a case of the sneezies with all the pollen floating around in the air? Did you know that pets can also be affected by seasonal allergies? In Springtime, there is a lot more pollen in the air and your dog may be affected by the changes that come with the season. If you notice a lot more sneezing, itching and scratching, it’s best to get them checked out by your veterinarian sooner than later - excessive licking or scratching could lead to worse problems. Dogs with seasonal allergies may also experience ear infections, runny noses and red eyes.

How do you keep your pet safe in the springtime? Let us know any safety tips you utilize and share information on any other hazards we may have missed!





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